Climate Action Accelerator for Campuses: "Drawdown Campus"

Schools are pillars of communities. They provide children with inspiration, knowledge and tools to take into the world. Due to concerns about the climate crisis, biodiversity and plastic pollution facing our planet, students across the world are mobilizing and striking in protest of the lack of action, to raise awareness and to demand change to protect our futures. Schools are uniquely placed to play a significant role in both deploying climate solutions themselves and teaching future generations about climate change and how to manage it. They bring together many different people. International schools host families from many countries, from diverse cultural backgrounds and with a wide range of world views. At the same time schools are community focal points, important local employers with often large campuses and buildings where thousands of meals are served daily that have significant transportation needs. What happens in schools can spread quickly within local communities.

Drawdown Campus* is a quick-scan tool that can be used to identify key areas where schools can look to have quick, effective and positive impacts on plastic use, biodiversity and the climate. These solutions and many more can be explored through the Drawdown Campus quick-scan. This list ranks the solutions in terms of effectiveness of solutions that are most applicable to schools and campuses. A quick-scan provide initial suggestions for how each Drawdown solution might be applicable, what are the quick wins and longer-term wins.

*Temporary name

Monday Poster Session
John Moorhead
Chris Jones
Antoinette Vermilye
John Vermilye
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