Simulating Energy Saving and Carbon Reducing Building Strategies For Residential Buildings in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Around 40% of global energy consumption can be contributed to buildings. 1 By evaluating the materials with which we construct our buildings, we can determine how to reduce their energy consumption and related carbon emissions. This study will focus on simulating the energy consumption, embodied carbon, and monetary cost of a single-family home in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A knowledge gap exists concerning sustainable construction strategies in countries with hot-humid climates, such as Brazil. The simulations were performed using the DesignBuilder software to model the monetary cost, energy consumption, and embodied CO 2 of eleven building scenarios in the selected climate. One base model was created based on average construction practices from the region, and 10 scenarios were modeled to variate the building’s envelope by changing the materials of its roof, exterior walls, and floors. Installing a terra cotta roof, applying a white paint/plaster over the base model’s roof, and replacing the base model’s floor with linoleum and concrete resulted in best optimizing the building’s embodied carbon, energy consumption, and monetary cost, respectively. Changing the roof led to a 96.63% reduction in embodied CO 2 , while adding a layer of paint to the roof resulted in a 9.71% decrease in energy consumption, and a 10.58% monetary reduction was produced by replacing the floor. These scenarios have the potential to be combined to produce an optimal building model. The results can be used to expand the knowledge surrounding sustainable building practices in hot-humid climates. Encouraging and implementing sustainable building practices can contribute to reducing embodied CO 2 , energy consumption, and costs for residents and building managers.

Monday Poster Session
Stephanie Tsopanidis
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